Gotti: ‘The game became difficult’

Luca Gotti claims Udinese ‘created the conditions’ to pick up a draw in Parma, recovering from two goals down.

The Friulani return from the Tardini with one point in their pocket after a 2-2 draw against Roberto D’Aversa’s side.

“We immediately went one goal down and the game became very difficult,” Gotti told Sky Sport Italia.

Luca Gotti claims Udinese ‘created the conditions’ to pick up a draw in Parma, recovering from two goals down.

The Friulani return from the Tardini with one point in their pocket after a 2-2 draw against Roberto D’Aversa’s side.

“We immediately went one goal down and the game became very difficult,” Gotti told Sky Sport Italia.

“In the first half we were not good at making ourselves dangerous and creating goal opportunities.

“In the second half we changed something and, thanks to the guys, step by step, we recovered without randomly throwing the ball into the area.

“We created the conditions to get back in the game," the coach added.

"De Paul is a strong player. Who doesn’t see him train every week can’t understand his quantity and his intensity on a physical level.

“He is always one of the best on the pitch. He felt the pressure after the bad result in Rome last week.”