Ghirardi: No issue with ultras

Tommaso Ghirardi has played down Parma ultras’ meeting with players after yesterday’s defeat to Atalanta as ‘civilised’ and ‘a misunderstanding’.

The Gialloblu players came back out to talk with supporters in Bergamo on Sunday evening after the 1-0 defeat to the Nerazzurri, which confined them to 20th position in the League.

Tommaso Ghirardi has played down Parma ultras’ meeting with players after yesterday’s defeat to Atalanta as ‘civilised’ and ‘a misunderstanding’.

The Gialloblu players came back out to talk with supporters in Bergamo on Sunday evening after the 1-0 defeat to the Nerazzurri, which confined them to 20th position in the League.

However, for the club’s President, the meeting was not called out of protest at the six defeats from seven rounds this term.

“It was a misunderstanding in communication,” Ghirardi has told reporters at the offices of the Lega Serie A today.

“Our fans want to be acknowledged at the end of the game, generally the players do so on the road.

“Yesterday they did not, and once this was expressed to the directors, the team realised they had been disrespectful and met with the fans.

“It was a very civilised meeting – I have been here for many years and even in relegation, I have always been able to leave the stadium and walk around the city without any issues.

“The team greeted the fans after their shower, I am sorry that it was misunderstood by the papers.

“Believe me – those who witnessed it say it was a civilised discussion.”

The President considered reasons behind the slump this term.

“We find ourselves at bottom, but we must remember what a great season last year was, and the bureaucratic misfortunes that have marked the summer.

“We have had repercussions from that, unfortunately, we have found it hard to remove the wastage from the summer, but we are human, we are consistent. During the last three games in the final minutes, we have made mistakes and by the 90th minute it leaves us with regret. Consider that until a few minutes before the end we would not have lost those games. It’s not a consolation, but a fact. Then we have been penalised in losing three regulars like Biabiany, Paletta and Cassani.

“By next Sunday we are confident of emerging from this crisis. We are not demoralised or defeated, we will do our best to return to the positions that we deserve.”