The Germany squad took a stand against the FIFA ban on the One Love armband at the 2022 World Cup by placing their hands over their mouths to show they were silenced.

The row continues to dominate the tournament in Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal, as the captains of several nations including England, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands, were banned from wearing a special armband with the One Love message on it.

Any show of support for LGBTQI+ rights has been silenced in the competition, with fans even not allowed into the stadiums if they have a rainbow on their clothing.

Belgium have even been ordered to remove the stitching ‘LOVE’ from their away kits.

So with no armband allowed, the German team lined up for their pre-match photograph ahead of the game against Japan by placing their hands over their mouths to show they had been silenced.

“We wanted to use our captain’s armband to take a stand for values that we hold in the Germany national team: diversity and mutual respect. Together with other nations, we wanted our voice to be heard,” read a statement from the DFB.

“It wasn’t about making a political statement – human rights are non-negotiable.

“That should be taken for granted, but it still isn’t the case. That’s why this message is so important to us. Denying us the armband is the same as denying us a voice. We stand by our position.”

Notably, the world feed cut away from the image of the German team lined up during this protest.

21 thought on “Germany squad protests One Love armband ban at World Cup”
  1. Good to see the wokesters in full flight. Other countries outside of the West have it right and want nothing to do with wokeness.

  2. Plus when you are in another country, you respect their laws, customs and traditions. Keep the virtue signalling in your own backyard.

  3. Well done Germany. Human rights have no borders.

    LOL @ “wokesters” and “virtue signalling”. Right out of the playbook.

  4. Ah Dumb M. The same wokesters who want to preach about women’s rights but cannot even define what a woman is. LOL no borders but the virtue signal tofurati are so keen on Ukraine’s border. Hypocrisy and a lack of basic education. Now go eat quinoa.

  5. @Lord Allegri blah blah
    Parroting the same simplistic nonsense that spews out of every other internet bigot. Yawn.

  6. @DB, take the L. LORD is too based for you with his sound reasoning. Where is your logic to his common sense?

  7. If you see common sense in his ramblings about quinoa or his apparent respect for the country that time forgot, best of luck to you.

  8. The question is, if the west, for example ban headwear for woman, would these Muslim countries and all these people saying their country=their law still respect it or do they start removing heads in protest like they usually do?

  9. @DB read a bit better. Lord clearly said that when you’re in another country respect their customs. You, clearly by arrogance of Western morality do not as you admitted that borders are not real. He check mated you. Take the L or keep digging harder.

  10. If Germany had focused on what they were supposed to do instead of creating a spectacle they might have taken the blue samurai more seriously. Now with Spain to come looks like they can go home quicker.

  11. @Umipeh
    Read a bit better? Brother, I read amazingly well. Also, I understand context. I understood his conservative buzzwords thrown together to resemble sentences quite well, thank you. You thinking its some sort of “gotcha” leads me to believe you don’t have a notion what’s going on here. I never said borders aren’t real but I suspect that’s what he mistakenly thought too. Willful ignorance maybe.

  12. @Milan Fan
    We must respect their medieval customs apparently. That includes beheading.

    Amazing what “causes” some people become cheerleaders for. I guess the football stuff was becoming annoying.

  13. Funny how in the west we only want politics in football when it is our politics. Propaganda gone mad.

  14. Ah Dumb M, wants to go on foreign crusades and spread the woke gospel. LOL human rights have no borders. The young girl should educate herself more. Human rights be damned when mining for lithium. Gotta get those parts for your phones and EV’s. Spare me the one sided nonsense. When in Rome do as the Roman’s do. If not do not visit and avoid watching.

  15. I’d prefer no “Lord Allegri”. The football stuff is terribly unfunny and this buzzword simplistic stuff is even worse. The silly insults, I mean the guy must be 14 or 15.

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