Gentile: ‘Germany is the model’

Former Italy Under-21 Coach Claudio Gentile likes the ‘German example’ but doubts senior Coach Antonio Conte's training camps will work.

Gentile, who led the U-21s to victory in the 2004 European Championship, praised the hands-on approach of the former Juventus Coach, who recently warned that Italy's footballing crisis could get worse.

“I think Conte has a grip on the reality and the facts,” said Gentile to

Former Italy Under-21 Coach Claudio Gentile likes the ‘German example’ but doubts senior Coach Antonio Conte's training camps will work.

Gentile, who led the U-21s to victory in the 2004 European Championship, praised the hands-on approach of the former Juventus Coach, who recently warned that Italy's footballing crisis could get worse.

“I think Conte has a grip on the reality and the facts,” said Gentile to

“And looking at the results of our clubs, we have scant reason to celebrate.

“We have to review the system in its entirety and I think it would be right to do what Germany did, relying on young talents.

“They revolutionised everything and now they're the best in every sector.”

However, Gentile seemed uncertain about Conte's project for mid-week training camps with club players.

“I wish him success with the operation, but personally I'm very sceptical.

“Clubs have their demands and I don't think they'll have much time to give their players to the national team.”

Italy now count one club in the Champions League and five in the Europa League.

“But the truth is only going to emerge now, with the knock-out bouts. I hope all the teams will make it through, but only the pitch will tell us that.”