‘Genoa won’t pay up for Jagiello’

Polish side Zaglebie Lubin say they “no longer trust” Genoa after FIFA ordered them to pay the outstanding €800,000 for Filip Jagiello.

Genoa risk a transfer ban after it emerged on Wednesday they had not yet paid Zaglebie Lubin in full for Jagiello, a €2m signing in January 2019, and that FIFA was forced to step in.

Polish side Zaglebie Lubin say they “no longer trust” Genoa after FIFA ordered them to pay the outstanding €800,000 for Filip Jagiello.

Genoa risk a transfer ban after it emerged on Wednesday they had not yet paid Zaglebie Lubin in full for Jagiello, a €2m signing in January 2019, and that FIFA was forced to step in.

Now, Zaglebie President Artur Jankowski has slammed the Rossoblu for ‘disrespecting’ his club and does not believe they will honour their part of the agreement.

“My club has written to Genoa and called them many times,” Jankowski told Calciomercato.com.

“We’ve recorded their total lack of interest. That’s why we sent the case to FIFA. We’ve wasted time and money on lawyers.

“We feel badly treated by them because all of this is a demonstration that they don’t respect us.

“Genoa took full advantage of the possibilities not to pay. That’s why now, after the sentence handed out, that Genoa have only one option: to pay up and apologise.

“It’s true that we’ve received this request from them to pay later this year, but we don’t agree with it. We no longer trust Genoa.

“The deadline is 45 days from now. Genoa haven’t paid up, nor did they call us any earlier.

“Now they certainly know what to do. This is no longer our problem.”

CM, on the other hand, assures Genoa are “calm and will pay in accordance” with the terms set out by FIFA.