Genoa bid for Konko

Abdoulay Konko could be on his way back to Genoa amid reports that the Ligurian outfit have launched a bid to sign the Sevilla full-back.

The 26-year-old Frenchman had one very productive year with Genoa three seasons ago before making the move to La Liga.

Sky Italia understands Genoa are keen on a reunion with Konko after seeing their efforts to sign West Ham's Valon Behrami go up in smoke.

The Grifone have reportedly offered €4.5m for the player but it is believed that Sevilla are holding out for more.

Abdoulay Konko could be on his way back to Genoa amid reports that the Ligurian outfit have launched a bid to sign the Sevilla full-back.

The 26-year-old Frenchman had one very productive year with Genoa three seasons ago before making the move to La Liga.

Sky Italia understands Genoa are keen on a reunion with Konko after seeing their efforts to sign West Ham's Valon Behrami go up in smoke.

The Grifone have reportedly offered €4.5m for the player but it is believed that Sevilla are holding out for more.

Reports claim a deal could be done for closer to €6m, although it remains to be seen whether Genoa are prepared to up the stakes.