Genoa and Samp in ugly row

An ugly row has broken out between ex-Sampdoria director Edoardo Garrone and Genoa, with threats of legal action and accusations of financial mismanagement.

The situation erupted after Garrone spoke to Primocanale about the failed takeover of Samp by American investors.

“There is another club in Genoa that nobody wants to buy because they are full of debts and it’s not Sampdoria. Massimo Ferrero might be a buffoon, but at least he keeps the Samp finances in check.”

Genoa President Enrico Preziosi heard this and hit back.

An ugly row has broken out between ex-Sampdoria director Edoardo Garrone and Genoa, with threats of legal action and accusations of financial mismanagement.

The situation erupted after Garrone spoke to Primocanale about the failed takeover of Samp by American investors.

“There is another club in Genoa that nobody wants to buy because they are full of debts and it’s not Sampdoria. Massimo Ferrero might be a buffoon, but at least he keeps the Samp finances in check.”

Genoa President Enrico Preziosi heard this and hit back.

“I am shocked by these shameful comments and of course I will sue. I considered Garrone a good person and didn’t expect this from him.

“He knows nothing of the situation, because Genoa’s balance sheet is in a very healthy state indeed. He should wash his mouth out before talking about Genoa.

“I hope he has the courage to repeat certain things to my face, seeing as we tend to go to the same beach on vacation, and I would certainly tell him what I think. In the meanwhile, though, I’ll sue him for defamation.

“Perhaps the last relegation when they lost to Genoa is still stinging Garrone…”