Gattuso: ‘Stop copying Pep!’

Rino Gattuso once again discusses Italian football, and urges Coaches to stop copying Pep Guardiola.

The former Milan midfielder declared today that calcio should return to its roots, and repeated those words while blaming the Bayern Munich Coach.

“Barcelona and Guardiola have created monsters in clubs and among the Coaches,” Gattuso told Gazzetta dello Sport.

Rino Gattuso once again discusses Italian football, and urges Coaches to stop copying Pep Guardiola.

The former Milan midfielder declared today that calcio should return to its roots, and repeated those words while blaming the Bayern Munich Coach.

“Barcelona and Guardiola have created monsters in clubs and among the Coaches,” Gattuso told Gazzetta dello Sport.

“Ultimately it’s all a bit distorted. We’ve gone to copy others and lost some of our defensive culture, marking and goalkeeping skill.

“We need to change, that’s only right, but why not hold on to the things we’ve been good at for many years?

“Beside, we have four stars on our chest [for four World Cups]. There are many good Coaches coming out of Coverciano today, so it’s not that what we’ve been doing for the last 50 years is all rubbish.

“What about the football that [Jose] Mourinho and [Diego] Simeone play?”

Gattuso also blamed a lack of training time for a perceived dearth of young Italian talent.

“Today our youngsters play 10 hours a week, less than in the Netherlands, where in the past they’d play 10 hours a day. Maybe that’s why there were more talents.

“Today we have phenomenons on the mobile phone and the Playstation and less footballing phenomenons.”