Gattuso: ‘Milan must be a team’

Gennaro Gattuso praises Milan’s ability with the ball but “the problem is they don’t play as a team often enough”.

The former midfielder took charge of the Rossoneri when Vincenzo Montella was sacked, and with the Serie A season stopped for the winter break he gave his assessment so far.

“I was surprised by the mentality, the desire they’ve shown in training,” Gattuso told Milan TV.

“They’re very willing and I see a lot of application, I think we have to continue on this path.

Gennaro Gattuso praises Milan’s ability with the ball but “the problem is they don’t play as a team often enough”.

The former midfielder took charge of the Rossoneri when Vincenzo Montella was sacked, and with the Serie A season stopped for the winter break he gave his assessment so far.

“I was surprised by the mentality, the desire they’ve shown in training,” Gattuso told Milan TV.

“They’re very willing and I see a lot of application, I think we have to continue on this path.

“I have a lot of belief in this group, because there are precise rules. If you can dot the Is and cross the Ts then it’s hard to find excuses in life.

“This team has very specific characteristics, namely ability on the ball. There are so many here with good feet.

“The problem is that they don’t play as a team often enough. Elsewhere I see champions who go and harry the defence of the opposing team, and we must do the same here.

“Having three or four days off doesn’t hurt anyone, we’ve given everyone a training program to follow and a GPS.

“We hope there will be great professionalism, but I think there will be. I don’t think someone will give their GPS to a relative!

“Right now I don’t think we can afford a week where we don’t do anything, but it’s right to have these rules.

“I’d have liked to take the whole team to Dubai with their families, so we could work for just an hour or 90 minutes a day and leave them free for the rest of the time.

“They’d already booked tickets to their destinations though, so that’s something for next time.

“We have to work, work, work; understand what we’re doing as soon as possible and take it one match at a time.

“We’re not in a position to make calculations, we need to take it one game at a time. We’ll try to improve our position.

“The priority is to improve on a physical and mental level, then we’ll see where we get. Winning helps you play better and allows you to be more calm.

“The team has worked hard over these 50 games.”