Gattuso: Inzaghi predestined, but…

Gennaro Gattuso has labelled former teammate Pippo Inzaghi as ‘predestined’ to be a Coach, but urges that Milan give him time.

The 40-year-old former striker is all but confirmed as the Rossoneri’s next Coach, once Clarence Seedorf’s exit from the bench has been resolved.

Gennaro Gattuso has labelled former teammate Pippo Inzaghi as ‘predestined’ to be a Coach, but urges that Milan give him time.

The 40-year-old former striker is all but confirmed as the Rossoneri’s next Coach, once Clarence Seedorf’s exit from the bench has been resolved.

Fresh from his own appointment yesterday, Gattuso has discussed seeing another of his former teammates step into the breach at San Siro.

“Filippo Inzaghi has always been predestined,” the 36-year-old has told the Gazzetta dello Sport today.

“For many of us when he played he seemed an athlete of pure instinct, but behind that was work.

“There has always been an intense phase of study. He knew his opponents better than anyone else.

“Coaching, however, takes away the sleep, though I slept little as a player for the charge it gave you.

“It was natural that he has arrived as Coach of the first team, but Inzaghi is a young Coach and must be protected.”

Gattuso also considered the current issues Milan are facing and whether a new sporting director is the answer.

“They do not need a real sporting director at Milan. When Ariedo Braida was there, he and Galliani were a single person. Galliani is the best of all for sure and he needs a person who is able to give him a hand.”

Speculation continues that Mario Balotelli is available for transfer this summer at the right price.

“Balotelli has dynamite in his feet, he should not be sold. He will return to doing well when the whole team solves its problems.

“At the World Cup he can do well because there is also Cassano there, who has a great chance. At Parma he did well and grew.

“The Italian national team can rely on Cassano.”