Gattuso ‘fed up’ of Juve winning

Former Milan player Gennaro Gattuso admits to being ‘fed up’ of Juventus’ domination of Italian football.

The ex-Rossoneri midfielder, now Coach at Pisa, added that the Old Lady’s challengers should look to the example of Leicester City in last year’s English Premier League as they attempt to topple Max Allegri’s team.

Former Milan player Gennaro Gattuso admits to being ‘fed up’ of Juventus’ domination of Italian football.

The ex-Rossoneri midfielder, now Coach at Pisa, added that the Old Lady’s challengers should look to the example of Leicester City in last year’s English Premier League as they attempt to topple Max Allegri’s team.

“I hope it is more enjoyable,” Gattuso said of the upcoming Serie A season. “Both I and a lot of supporters are fed up of seeing Juventus winning. Look at the miracle of Leicester, even though in the long term quality shines through.

“Juve, Napoli and Roma: I would say that we could put them in that order.”