Gian Piero Gasperini is aiming high in his first Inter season. “I dream of the Champions League and Ricky Alvarez will go far.”

The former Genoa Coach took over from Leonardo after a long selection process and won't be held back by a lack of experience at the top level.

Gian Piero Gasperini is aiming high in his first Inter season. “I dream of the Champions League and Ricky Alvarez will go far.”

The former Genoa Coach took over from Leonardo after a long selection process and won't be held back by a lack of experience at the top level.

“I dream of the Champions League, although at this moment Serie A is also very important,” he told Inter Channel.

“I aim to bring the style of football that served me well at Genoa. That means a solid defence and an attack that works well.

“My football has always been very attacking and I'd like to bring my ideas to Inter too, seeing as they always brought good results.”

Much has been said of Gasperini's 3-4-3 approach, but he insists the situation is not so rigid.

“We play with three at the back when our opponents have two strikers. If the other team has a trident, then we have a four-man defence.

“This whole issue about the 3-4-3 is a cliché, as everyone in the squad will be able to play in at least two positions.”

Some of the Inter stars are already accustomed to Gasperini's tactics, such as Diego Milito.

“Diego is training consistently with Argentina during the Copa America. If he continues like this, he'll return to being the champion you all knew.”

Another Argentine has joined the side this summer, as Alvarez was a big new signing from Velez Sarsfield.

“He is very talented and will go far. I had already seen him on a few DVDs, but up close he's even better.”

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