Gasp calls off Press conference

Gian Piero Gasperini called off his Press conference for Atalanta’s game against Roma due to the attendance of an unwelcome journalist.

Gasperini was due to face reporters at 15:15 CET, but the Coach cancelled once it became clear that the journalist would not leave the Press room.

The President of Lombardy journalists’ association, Paolo Perucchini, was also present and panned the Coach for his actions.

Gian Piero Gasperini called off his Press conference for Atalanta’s game against Roma due to the attendance of an unwelcome journalist.

Gasperini was due to face reporters at 15:15 CET, but the Coach cancelled once it became clear that the journalist would not leave the Press room.

The President of Lombardy journalists’ association, Paolo Perucchini, was also present and panned the Coach for his actions.

“No-one, especially a public figure like the Coach of a Serie A football team, can choose which journalists are worthy of attending a Press conference,” he intervened.

“The right to information takes precedence over any issue, problem or personal dislike of any journalist.

“What happened today is a shame because Atalanta, thanks to their Coach, turned out to be the surprise package of the season.

“Today was a missed opportunity to develop the concept of fair play.”

The reporter’s identity was not disclosed, although Gazzetta dello Sport stated they had “collaborated” with newspaper.