Garrone: ‘Pazzini fell for Inter siren call’

Sampdoria President Riccardo Garrone blasted Giampaolo Pazzini. “He fell for the siren call of Inter and we could not continue with him in the squad.”

The striker was sold for €12m plus full ownership of Jonathan Biabiany on Friday and is the second top star to leave Samp during the January window after Antonio Cassano joined Milan.

“For some time there had been too many siren calls around Pazzini and he fell for them,” stated the President.

Sampdoria President Riccardo Garrone blasted Giampaolo Pazzini. “He fell for the siren call of Inter and we could not continue with him in the squad.”

The striker was sold for €12m plus full ownership of Jonathan Biabiany on Friday and is the second top star to leave Samp during the January window after Antonio Cassano joined Milan.

“For some time there had been too many siren calls around Pazzini and he fell for them,” stated the President.

“He was also influenced by the desire to step up on the career ladder. We were not the ones to get rid of him.

“I hoped the siren call would not return, but that is what happened.”

The fans were furious at Pazzini's departure so soon after Cassano and have announced protests at this latest loss.

“I have to tell you, we could not continue with Pazzini in the squad. I act as the director general, have capable and trustworthy collaborators.

“The situation is very fraught and a lot is weighing on the club right now. This is not a threat, but if that weight should become too much, then it would only become known after the fact and it would be too late.

“I am not Luciano Moggi, I will not change football, but we continue like this. If the fans want to take over the club by buying up shares, then the door is open.”

There was more bad news for Sampdoria, as Franco Semioli will undergo ankle surgery and looks to be out for the rest of the season.