Rudi Garcia has insisted he is ‘calm’ about Roma’s clash with Atalanta” data-scaytid=”1″>Atalanta, admitting that he trusts his players to get the job done.

The Giallorossi host La Dea tomorrow evening, looking for the three points that could take them to within five of leaders Juventus” data-scaytid=”4″>Juventus.

Rudi Garcia has insisted he is ‘calm’ about Roma’s clash with Atalanta, admitting that he trusts his players to get the job done.

The Giallorossi host La Dea tomorrow evening, looking for the three points that could take them to within five of leaders Juventus.

And the French Coach has claimed that he is confident that his lads can perform on the night.

“Our aim at the start of the year was to work towards creating an identity in our play as I wanted – we have that no,” he told a Press conference.

“That has come about because we have an identity in our play that I say sometimes there are worrying wins and defeats that give you hope.

“We play before the others and we have to win, as we've already done 23 times from 32 games – it means we know what we're doing, and for us that’s definitely a positive.

“I trust all the guys tomorrow. I'm calm, up for it and motivated, the League is not over and it won't be tomorrow night either!

“Roma only play to win – that’s the mentality we have going into every single game we play.

“It's great to have so many points and we want to finish as high up the standings as possible.

“After Juve won I heard people say the title race is over, but that's not the case, it's still all to play for every week.

“We'll have 50,000 fans there tomorrow night and that's great. We're hungry to keep going, to play and win for us and them.”

The tactician then commented on Francesco Totti’s fitness and Mattia Destro’s four-match ban.

“Totti? He's fit. He had a normal training session yesterday where he also did some specific work. No worries for the captain

"I've already spoken about Mattia's ban – today I have a game to prepare. It's amazing people are asking questions about an incident involving a player who scored a hat-trick

“I, personally, like to talk about football.

“Everyone makes mistakes, but the players are always ready to improve. We want to enjoy the end of the year, fighting all the way.

Garcia concluded by remarking on reports that Destro could miss out on Italy tests next week, after falling foul Cesare Prandelli’s code of ethics.

“Prandelli? He's the Italy Coach, so that’s not for me to comment on.

“I hope the Azzurri go as far as possible at the World Cup, with lots of Giallorossi players involved.”

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