Gabigol to Sporting set to collapse?

Gabriel Barbosa’s loan move from Inter to Sporting looks set to collapse, as the Portuguese side won’t pay his wages.

The Brazilian striker’s agent confirmed last week that they were in negotiations over a move to Lisbon, and it’s thought the player himself had accepted the move.

Gabriel Barbosa’s loan move from Inter to Sporting looks set to collapse, as the Portuguese side won’t pay his wages.

The Brazilian striker’s agent confirmed last week that they were in negotiations over a move to Lisbon, and it’s thought the player himself had accepted the move.

However, FCInterNews is reporting that the deal has completely stalled, as Sporting want the Nerazzurri to keep paying a large percentage of Gabigol’s wages, perhaps even 100 per cent.

Understandably, Inter don’t want to lose a player for whom they paid almost €30m and keep paying his wages, but the Portuguese side have made that a red line in negotiations.

It’s believed Gabigol is on around €3m per season, and Sporting have no intention of paying that.

That leaves both the player and the Beneamata at something of an impasse, as the youngster wants to play this season, having failed to make a single start last term.

Gabigol had hoped to prove himself to Coach Luciano Spalletti in pre-season, and can only show his worth by playing for a high-level European team.