‘Gabbiadini is a Napoli player’

The agent of Emanuele Giaccherini claims Napoli have already signed Manolo Gabbiadini, and says his client could also move to Naples.

According to reports yesterday, the Partenopei have agreed a fee to sign the forward from Sampdoria, and Giaccherini’s agent Furio Valcareggi believes the deal is done, and says his player could follow Gabbiadini.

“I know that Gabbiadini is now a Napoli player,” the Sunderland man’s representative told Radio Crc.

The agent of Emanuele Giaccherini claims Napoli have already signed Manolo Gabbiadini, and says his client could also move to Naples.

According to reports yesterday, the Partenopei have agreed a fee to sign the forward from Sampdoria, and Giaccherini’s agent Furio Valcareggi believes the deal is done, and says his player could follow Gabbiadini.

“I know that Gabbiadini is now a Napoli player,” the Sunderland man’s representative told Radio Crc.

“There was a meeting yesterday in Florence. Maybe the Azzurri will also take a full-back.

“Giaccherini could be a solution for them, on a six month loan with bonuses linked to Champions League qualification.

“We spoke with [Napoli sporting director Riccardo] Bigon. It was after [Lorenzo] Insigne’s injury, because he [Giaccherini] could be the ideal replacement, but nothing was agreed.

“Tomorrow Emanuele will return to training with the squad. He’ll stay at Sunderland and respect his contract because other loan moves don’t interest us.”

Bigon was in England yesterday, and according the Gazzetta dello Sport the director did indeed enquire about Giaccherini – but only as an alternative to Gabbiadini.

The newspaper believes that should the Sampdoria striker’s move unexpectedly fall through, the Sunderland man would be Napoli’s Plan B.