Frustalupi ‘waiting for Mazzarri’

Napoli’s final home game of the season has still not clarified the future, as Walter Mazzarri’s assistant manager admits “I’m waiting for his decision too.”

Nicolò Frustalupi took the post-match interviews after a last-gasp 2-1 win over Siena.

Napoli’s final home game of the season has still not clarified the future, as Walter Mazzarri’s assistant manager admits “I’m waiting for his decision too.”

Nicolò Frustalupi took the post-match interviews after a last-gasp 2-1 win over Siena.

“The Coach wanted to give the other members of his staff the chance to have our voices heard,” explained Frustalupi.

Naturally, he was asked about the future, as Mazzarri continues to maintain he won’t discuss a contract renewal until the season is over.

“I’m waiting for his decision too. I don’t know if he will take me with him if he leaves or if he will remain at Napoli, in which case I hope to remain by his side.

“In my view he did not salute the fans goodbye today. We just need to wait, as there’s only a week to go.”

President Aurelio De Laurentiis seemed to be saying farewell to Mazzarri in a speech in the centre-circle before kick-off today.

He thanked the Coach for four wonderful years.