Italy and Inter midfielder Davide Frattesi says Simone Perrotta and Claudio Marchisio are his two role models for the central midfielder role.

Frattesi addressed the media at a press conference on Monday, which was attended by Football Italia.

The Inter star was asked about his role models in the central midfield role, and he named two ex-Azzurri stars.

“Simone Perrotta and Claudio Marchisio more recently,” he said.

“These are the two players I look to sometimes to understand the best position on the pitch.”

It’s hardly surprising, given that both Perrotta and Marchisio were not only great central midfielders but would often play on the left flank and use late runs to score and provide assists, just like Frattesi does.

Perrotta was a starter in Italy’s 2006 World Cup campaign, won by the Azzurri, while Marchisio made 55 appearances with La Nazionale, reaching the Euro Final in 2012.

Click here to read every word from Frattesi’s press conference.

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