The World of Football reacts to Silvio Berlusconi’s death, starting with Milan and Monza.

The Italy entrepreneur died on Monday, June 12, at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, aged 86.

Berlusconi was admitted to the hospital on Friday. He had already spent some days in intensive care between April and May due to pneumonia thought to be a result of his leukaemia.

He had previously undergone open heart surgery in 2016 to replace his aortic valve.

He was the President of Monza, who had just completed their first-ever Serie A campaign. He bought the Brianzoli in 2018, leading them to their first historic promotion to Italy’s top flight in 2021-22.

Berlusconi made history with the Brianzoli and, most notably, with Milan, becoming the most successful President of the Diavoli with 29 trophies in 31 years.

Milan and Monza reacted on social media on Monday morning, but tributes from the World of Football are coming from many other clubs and players.

Follow all reactions from the World of Football below.

One thought on “Football World reacts to Berlusconi’s death – Live updates”
  1. Almost all clubs in Italy have made a reference to Silvio. One hasn’t. Of course, it’s the cancer of Italian football. No prize for guessing which club

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