Alessandro Florenzi has outlined Roma’s ambition to ‘close out’ second place in Serie A, and his hope that the squad is retained over the summer.

The Giallorossi head out to Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”4″>Fiorentina on Saturday evening for Week 34’s closing fixture aware that a win will mathematically guarantee at least second spot in the table.

Alessandro Florenzi has outlined Roma’s ambition to ‘close out’ second place in Serie A, and his hope that the squad is retained over the summer.

The Giallorossi head out to Fiorentina on Saturday evening for Week 34’s closing fixture aware that a win will mathematically guarantee at least second spot in the table.

For the attacking midfielder, the awareness is there, though, that Vincenzo Montella’s men will present a tough opponent.

“They certainly have important players, they play good football and have been doing so for at least two years now, so this will be a good match,” Florenzi told Sky Sport Italia this week at a publicity event.

“We are going there to try to close out second place [in the League], we want to win on Saturday.”

The 23-year-old was asked about his hopes for how club directors improve the team for next season.

“The club will decide what will be best for the future, but keeping hold of those players already here would be an important step to improve.

“Then, later, the Coach and the directors will make the right choices.”

Florenzi was one of the 42 players called up by Cesare Prandelli for physical tests at Coverciano at the start of this week, meaning he remains in contention for a spot with Italy at the World Cup.

“The thoughts are there, we must wait until the end and then we will see. We must wait for the Coach’s decisions and in the meantime I will give my all in these games that remain.

“Did I get any indication at Coverciano this week? Not really.”


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