Bologna are looking for experience ahead of their Champions League campaign and have opened talks with Milan right back Alessandro Florenzi.

The Rossoblu are entering a new era following their historic qualification to Europe’s premier club competition, having appointed Vincenzo Italiano as their new head coach following Thiago Motta’s decision to depart.

Bologna are keen to build off the momentum of this season and are already hard at work planning their summer transfer window, aware that certain stars like Joshua Zirkzee and Riccardo Calafiori are likely to depart over the coming months.

Bologna look to Florenzi

Page 15 of today’s Corriere dello Sport details how Bologna have been in contact with Florenzi to explore a possible move this summer, interested in adding the experienced Milan right back to their squad.

The 33-year-old Italian only has 12 months left on his contract with the Rossoneri and is not expected to be too expensive, making a deal accessible for the Rossoblu. New coach Italiano will also have to give his green light to the transfer, should things progress.

2 thought on “Florenzi in Bologna crosshairs as talks opened with Milan veteran”
  1. optimum pro but Pioli constantly picking a well past his best player whilst allowing terraciano to rot on the bench was a calamity. When Calabria was out, Milan were even weaker. Turned into a comedy club when he even used Florenzi in midfield. ffs

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