Flags in the city of Cagliari are at half-mast today in honour of former striker Gigi Riva, who sadly passed away yesterday.

The Rossoblu legend died at the Cardiology department of the San Michele hospital in Cagliari on Monday evening after suffering a heart attack whilst at home on the weekend. His condition didn’t initially appear to be critical, but things took a turn for the worse as the day progressed.

Riva spent the final 15 years of his playing career with Cagliari from 1963 to 1978, guiding them to a historic Scudetto in the 1969-70 season. He scored 205 goals in 374 games for the club and later spent eight years in the dugout as head coach after hanging up his boots.

As reported by TMW, the city of Cagliari paid tribute to their former striker Riva by putting local flags at half-mast today, showing their respect after the 79-year-old’s death on Monday.

Riva is an important figure in the history of Italian football and his death has left the Calcio world in a state of mourning.

As per TMW, the flags at half-mast can be seen below.

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