Fiorentina want Calciopoli explanation

Fiorentina” data-scaytid=”3″>Fiorentina have released a long statement demanding “clarity” in the Calciopoli scandal. “Explain why some wiretaps were shelved in 2006.”

The Viola were among the clubs penalised during the original trial in the summer of 2006, but have always maintained their innocence.

Fiorentina have released a long statement demanding “clarity” in the Calciopoli scandal. “Explain why some wiretaps were shelved in 2006.”

The Viola were among the clubs penalised during the original trial in the summer of 2006, but have always maintained their innocence.

After the latest revelations of potentially incriminating Inter calls that were ignored at the time, Fiorentina are “worried at the development of a scandal that rocked Italian football five years ago.

“In the last few weeks that poisoned atmosphere has been recreated and threatens to provoke new tension between fans. We have to stop and reflect, working to recover the values of sporting ethics and healthy competition.

“For that to happen, we need immediate clarity on what happened in 2006 in the light of the new evidence and the supplemental investigation by prosecutor Stefano Palazzi.

“It is necessary to explain why some thousands of wiretapped telephone conversations, which together make a more precise picture of the situation, were shelved by investigators in 2006.

“ACF Fiorentina demand that Colonel Auricchio, who was chiefly responsible for the distortions and missing elements in that investigation, explain immediately why certain decisions were made at that time and who was aware of those decisions.

“Particularly we want to know why certain material was selected, ignoring a consistent part and foregoing more detailed investigation down those avenues.

“It is also crucial to understand if the investigators were kept in the dark about those wiretaps that were arbitrarily considered ‘irrelevant.' Was the FIGC, Commissioner Guido Rossi and the sporting justice elements nominated by him informed that only part of the evidence was handed to them?

“ACF Fiorentina propose that, once these matters have been explained, the Presidents of all the clubs sit around a table to close this issue once and for all with clarity and reciprocal honesty before the start of the next season.”

The reports emerging from the FIGC suggest Inter will not be stripped of the 2006 Scudetto purely because the events are beyond the statute of limitations.