Fiorentina sign teenagers

Fiorentina have officially signed teenagers Christian Koffi from Monaco and Mallorca’s Cristobal Montiel Rodriguez.

The Viola are active on the transfer market by snapping up two players who were born in the year 2000.

Midfielder Koffi was grabbed as a free agent after his contract with Monaco expired and signed a three-year deal in Florence.

As for wide forward Rodriguez, he penned a five-year contract.

Fiorentina have officially signed teenagers Christian Koffi from Monaco and Mallorca’s Cristobal Montiel Rodriguez.

The Viola are active on the transfer market by snapping up two players who were born in the year 2000.

Midfielder Koffi was grabbed as a free agent after his contract with Monaco expired and signed a three-year deal in Florence.

As for wide forward Rodriguez, he penned a five-year contract.