Financier submits first binding offer for Sampdoria

Roman financier Alessandro Barnaba has reportedly submitted the first binding offer for Serie B bound Sampdoria.

The Blucerchiati have been in a state of turmoil on and off the pitch this season, managing only three wins in 34 attempts in Serie A amidst their various financial concerns, causing chaos around the club.

Sampdoria have been looking for new owners for a number of months now, with current owner Massimo Ferrero having resigned in December 2021 following his arrest for corporate crimes and bankruptcy.  

As reported by Telenord, Barnaba and a consortium which includes Merlyn Partners and Edoardo Garrone have submitted an offer for Sampdoria, €35m for recapitalisation and €50m to finance the team.

During this week, negotiating lawyer Eugenio Bissocoli will get in contact with the other interested parties, like Raffaele Mincione of Wrm Group to Massimo Zanetti of Segafredo, to discuss any other offers for the Blucerchiati. Updates are expected in the coming weeks.