FIGC to pursue Juventus ‘partners’ in capital gains investigation

The FIGC prosecutor Giuseppe Chinè reportedly warned they will purse the ‘partner clubs’ who struck suspicious deals with Juventus, including Atalanta, Bologna, Sassuolo and Udinese.

The Bianconeri are at the centre of the investigation into artificially inflated transfer fees to boost capital gains and were docked 15 points, although the appeal against that verdict will be held on April 19.

That is only the beginning, because in order to inflate the transfer fees, Juve had to agree those valuations with other clubs.

Now news agency ANSA claims the FIGC prosecutor has informed they will try to build a case against the ‘partner clubs’ of Juventus in these deals.

Those would be Atalanta, Bologna, Cagliari, Sampdoria, Sassuolo and Udinese.

The accusation is of ‘clinching confidential agreements in transfer operations without depositing the necessary paperwork and documents, instead registering them with different valuations to what was concluded.’

If Juve win their appeal on April 19, and depending on what the conclusion is from the Corte di Giustizia del CONI, it might become very difficult to impose those charges.

Juventus and these clubs argue the only way to objectively ascertain the worth of a player on the transfer market is if two clubs agree to that fee.