FIGC to investigate Ranieri

The FIGC will investigate comments made by Roma boss Claudio Ranieri after he suggested Lazio would ‘lay down’ against Atalanta.

Ranieri was asked at a Press conference whether Lazio would deliberately ease off against Atalanta to frustrate Roma’s hopes of a top-four finish.

“They lay down against Inter,” replied the Coach, referring to when the Aquile lost 2-0 to the Nerazzurri in 2010.

The FIGC will investigate comments made by Roma boss Claudio Ranieri after he suggested Lazio would ‘lay down’ against Atalanta.

Ranieri was asked at a Press conference whether Lazio would deliberately ease off against Atalanta to frustrate Roma’s hopes of a top-four finish.

“They lay down against Inter,” replied the Coach, referring to when the Aquile lost 2-0 to the Nerazzurri in 2010.

That result was branded ‘embarrassing’ at the time by a Roma director as it effectively handed Inter the Scudetto at the Giallorossi’s expense.

However, ANSA reports FIGC prosecutor Giuseppe Pecoraro immediately asked for video footage of the Press conference so he could analyse it.

“I believe the Lega should intervene on this Press conference and Ranieri’s comments,” said Lazio spokesperson Arturo Diaconale.

“The comments were serious, and they arise from the fine line between being a fan and an employee.

“A fan can do or think as they please, but an employee is rather someone who has a role of responsibility.

“The comments of an employee, especially when they’re so serious, must be at least supported by evidence.

“Otherwise they become offensive to a club like Lazio, who don’t deserve these things.

“Some Biancocelesti fans said Roma had it easy in their last two games, but no-one from the club would dream of saying such a thing.”

Pecoraro’s verdict is expected to come after the weekend’s Serie A fixtures.