FIGC to end sanctions for…

The FIGC have opted to end handing out punishments to clubs whose fans are found to have sung chants based on ‘territorial discrimination.’

Last season and before, any club with a Curva proven guilty of distasteful chanting of the sort could expect fines and closures.

However, at the first summit of Italian football’s governing body under the stewardship of new President Carlo Tavecchio, it has been decided to do away with the punishments.

The FIGC have opted to end handing out punishments to clubs whose fans are found to have sung chants based on ‘territorial discrimination.’

Last season and before, any club with a Curva proven guilty of distasteful chanting of the sort could expect fines and closures.

However, at the first summit of Italian football’s governing body under the stewardship of new President Carlo Tavecchio, it has been decided to do away with the punishments.

According to Sport Mediaset, the document which emerged from the meeting confirmed that Article 12 – namely ‘offence, denigration or insults related to territorial origin’ – had been removed.