FIGC stand by Tavecchio

UEFA banned Carlo Tavecchio for six months after racist comments, but the FIGC and Claudio Lotito insist he won’t resign.

The President was banned for six months following racist comments made during an improvised speech in July.

UEFA banned Carlo Tavecchio for six months after racist comments, but the FIGC and Claudio Lotito insist he won’t resign.

The President was banned for six months following racist comments made during an improvised speech in July.

Despite those comments and several clubs withdrawing their support, he was still elected President of the FIGC in August.

“Our President does not lose his international representation. He will be present at the next two Italy games against Azerbaijan and Malta,” assured FIGC director general Michele Uva.

“It seems only right that we bring this whole situation back to its real dimension. All the ban means is that Tavecchio cannot put himself forward as a candidate for six months on commissions that will be renewed in two years and he won’t participate in a three-day congress in March.

“As far as we are concerned, the case is closed. Let us think about the future.”

Lazio President Lotito was Tavecchio’s biggest backer and some consider him to be a form of ‘puppet master’ pulling the strings behind the FIGC.

“There is no wound for Italian football,” insisted Lotito on news agency ANSA.

“As for demands Tavecchio resign, the mystification and attempts to misuse the issue will not have any effect.”

Tavecchio had said in his speech that there needed to be more quality control when it came to importing players, such as the English system of work permits.

“Instead, here we say that any old Opti Pobà can come here. Before he was eating bananas, now he’s playing in the Lazio first XI.

“In England the players have to prove their curriculum and pedigree first.”

It has been a turbulent few days for the Federation, as Vice-President Demetrio Albertini – who lost the election to Tavecchio in August – resigned.