FIGC president Gravina: ‘We’re working on Euro 2032 bid’

Gabriel Gravina, the president of the FIGC, confirmed that work was ongoing to prepare a bid for the 2032 European Championship.

The Azzurri have an interesting recent history with UEFA’s premier international competition, producing better results and performances than in recent World Cups, the last two of which the nation has missed out on.

Italy reached the finals of Euro 2012 and were only knocked out of Euro 2016 on penalties, returning with an incredible run to lift the trophy at Euro 2020. In comparison, Italy exited the World Cup at the group stages in 2010 and 2014, and missed out on the competition in 2018 and 2022.

Speaking at the Department of Law of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Gravina briefly commented on one of the FIGC’s most important goals in the coming years.

“We are working to bring home the organisation of an extraordinary event such as the 2032 European Championship, which will allow us to solve one of the problems that is besetting the football world, namely infrastructure.”

One of the major issues currently plaguing Italian football is the state of stadiums, a problem that cannot simply be resolved by building new ones, due to the frustrations of bureaucracy in the country.