FIGC prosecutor Giuseppe Pecoraro insists he “absolutely never linked” Juventus with the mafia, simply giving “an interpretation”.

The Bianconeri and President Andrea Agnelli were last month deferred to the Federation’s disciplinary commission for meeting ultras linked to the mafia.

FIGC prosecutor Giuseppe Pecoraro insists he “absolutely never linked” Juventus with the mafia, simply giving “an interpretation”.

The Bianconeri and President Andrea Agnelli were last month deferred to the Federation’s disciplinary commission for meeting ultras linked to the mafia.

Agnelli and the club have never denied giving tickets to ultras, but insist they couldn’t have known about any alleged mafia links.

“I don’t do the work of the ordinary prosecutor,” Pecoraro said in front of the Anti-Mafia Commission today.

“I take care of ticket control, then if there’s a permeability with the Juventus leadership it doesn’t concern me, it’s down to the Commission. I take care of the tickets.

“I’ve given my evidence to the Commission, it’s certain that tickets were also given to those linked to organised crime. That’s the data.

“The person who dominated the ticket scalping at Juventus Stadium was [Rocco] Dominello, the rest is down to the ordinary prosecutor.

“I’m here to supplement what I said on March 7 last year, and also in the hope of closing the controversy which came after that date, and to block an inappropriate media trial which isn’t good for the sporting judiciary or the ordinary one.

“The wiretap which we talked about last time has had many things said about it, what I gave was an interpretation.

“We gave an interpretation because with that phrase it seemed there was some confidence 'between Agnelli and Dominello' but it was probably the prosecutor who said that.

“The words were measured, I absolutely did not link President Agnelli to the ‘Ndrangheta [Calabrian mafia], if I did that I’d have usurped the role of the ordinary judiciary.

“I can’t exclude that Agnelli knew where Rocco Dominello came from.

“All I can say is I’m convinced by the data that there were a series of meetings between Agnelli and Dominello.”


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