The FIGC is confident its organisational structure and Italy’s next CT will both be in place for the June 1 friendly against France.

Italy salvaged a 1-1 draw with England on Tuesday, and FIGC commissioner Roberto Fabbricini was encouraged by what he saw, while expressing optimism about his work behind the scenes with Alessandro Costacurta.

“We gave a reaction in the final part of the game,” he told Rai Sport.

The FIGC is confident its organisational structure and Italy’s next CT will both be in place for the June 1 friendly against France.

Italy salvaged a 1-1 draw with England on Tuesday, and FIGC commissioner Roberto Fabbricini was encouraged by what he saw, while expressing optimism about his work behind the scenes with Alessandro Costacurta.

“We gave a reaction in the final part of the game,” he told Rai Sport.

“I think it was important for the formation and growth of this national team. Strong signals must also be given, we looked at the youngsters and that was the best signal to show that they’re here with us.

“I’m working hard with Costacurta to complete our organisational structure and choose the CT.

“We have a game against France on June 1, and for that occasion we’d like everything to be in place.”

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