FIFA: ‘Solidarity with France’

FIFA’s acting President Issa Hayatou joins the voices standing in solidarity with France after last night’s attacks.

Terrorist atrocities rocked Paris last night, with three people killed by a bomb at the Stade de France, as the French national team took on Germany.

“It’s with intense emotion that I write to you today,” Issa Hayatou wrote in an open letter to the French Football Federation.

FIFA’s acting President Issa Hayatou joins the voices standing in solidarity with France after last night’s attacks.

Terrorist atrocities rocked Paris last night, with three people killed by a bomb at the Stade de France, as the French national team took on Germany.

“It’s with intense emotion that I write to you today,” Issa Hayatou wrote in an open letter to the French Football Federation.

“I am of course shocked by the terrorist attacks perpetrated in Paris last night, and on the outskirts of the Stade de France, on the sidelines of the France-Germany match.

“I extend to you the solidarity of the international football community, especially toward the members of the Fédération Française de Football, the French national team, and all the fans and everyone who were present at the Stade de France last night.

“I offer my sincerest condolences to the families of the victims.”