Former Inter and Italy defender Riccardo Ferri gave a harrowing and personal description of the coronavirus outbreak. “I’ve lost friends and others are currently in hospital.”

The 56-year-old had 45 senior caps for Italy and spent practically his entire career with Inter, making 418 appearances for the club.

“I live in Lodi, so one of the first ‘red zones’ in the country. I got to see the emergency situation develop with my own eyes,” Ferri told TMW Radio.

Former Inter and Italy defender Riccardo Ferri gave a harrowing and personal description of the coronavirus outbreak. “I’ve lost friends and others are currently in hospital.”

The 56-year-old had 45 senior caps for Italy and spent practically his entire career with Inter, making 418 appearances for the club.

“I live in Lodi, so one of the first ‘red zones’ in the country. I got to see the emergency situation develop with my own eyes,” Ferri told TMW Radio.

“It was so surreal to see an ambulance passing by every three minutes. From the information I’ve managed to get, the situation is still tense, as the hospital in Lodi has run out of beds.”

The pandemic is very personal for the Inter legend, who saw the devastation first hand.

“I’ve lost friends and others are currently in hospital. They took in one friend of mine, who is 50 years old, because he had a cough, flu symptoms and his oxygen saturation had dropped. He had just lost his father, again due to the coronavirus, and he too tested positive.

“He’s doing much better today, but is still under observation in the hospital in Pavia. My thoughts go to all those who didn’t make it. I want to thank the doctors, nurses and emergency services who have worked day and night.”

Today’s figures confirm that 2,503 people have died in Italy after contracting coronavirus, an increase of 345 over the last 24 hours, with 2,060 in intensive care.

The total number of positive tests – including those who have died and recovered – now stands at 31,506.

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