Ferrero: ‘Zenga? Not yet…’

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero insists Walter Zenga has not yet been appointed to replace Sinisa Mihajlovic.

The Serbian departed as Blucerchiati Coach this week, with reports that former goalkeeper Zenga had agreed a deal to take over.

“I haven’t taken Zenga yet,” Ferrero told Radio 24.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero insists Walter Zenga has not yet been appointed to replace Sinisa Mihajlovic.

The Serbian departed as Blucerchiati Coach this week, with reports that former goalkeeper Zenga had agreed a deal to take over.

“I haven’t taken Zenga yet,” Ferrero told Radio 24.

“He’s very taken with Samp, but the signature is not there yet. This year we have to get results, I’m sorry about the season we finale we had.

“Miha? Let’s see if he goes to [join Milan and Silvio] Berlusconi…”