Ferrero: ‘Torino played rugby!’

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero declares Torino “seemed to be playing rugby and not football” in yesterday’s game.

The Granata thrashed Marco Giampaolo’s side 4-0 on Sunday afternoon, but the Blucerchiati owner wasn’t impressed by their approach.

“I never comment on referees,” Ferrero claimed, speaking to Pressing.

“Everyone comments on their work but I do things differently. [Gianluca] Rocchi is a great referee and I don’t want to challenge him, I was happy he was assigned.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero declares Torino “seemed to be playing rugby and not football” in yesterday’s game.

The Granata thrashed Marco Giampaolo’s side 4-0 on Sunday afternoon, but the Blucerchiati owner wasn’t impressed by their approach.

“I never comment on referees,” Ferrero claimed, speaking to Pressing.

“Everyone comments on their work but I do things differently. [Gianluca] Rocchi is a great referee and I don’t want to challenge him, I was happy he was assigned.

“During the move for the first goal [Edgar] Baretto was hurt. Usually when a player is on the ground the game stops, but it wasn’t like that.

“Toro seemed to be playing rugby and not football.”