Ferrero: ‘Ranocchia? We’ll see…”

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero isn’t ruling out a move for Andrea Ranocchia – “we’ll see on Monday…”

The Inter defender has been a bit-part player so far this season, making just one Serie A start for Roberto Mancini’s side.

Reports today suggested that the 27-year-old had agreed on a transfer to the Blucerchiati, and the club’s colourful patron hints that a deal is close.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero isn’t ruling out a move for Andrea Ranocchia – “we’ll see on Monday…”

The Inter defender has been a bit-part player so far this season, making just one Serie A start for Roberto Mancini’s side.

Reports today suggested that the 27-year-old had agreed on a transfer to the Blucerchiati, and the club’s colourful patron hints that a deal is close.

“Roberto Soriano? I won’t sell anyone!” Ferrero declared outside of a meeting of the Lega Serie A.

“For Ranocchia and Rolando there’s nothing at the moment, we’ll see on Monday.”