Ferrero: ‘Napoli for the Scudetto!’

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero believes Napoli will win the Scudetto, but if he could sign any player it’d be Juventus’ Gonzalo Higuain.

The Partenopei currently lead Serie A by a point, with the champions hot on their heels and both sides on long winning runs.

“In my opinion Napoli will win it,” Ferrero said on Tiki Taka, before being asked which one player he’d love to sign.

“We already had [Mauro] Icardi, he’s a great lad. Higuain is a great player, I’d take him straight away.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero believes Napoli will win the Scudetto, but if he could sign any player it’d be Juventus’ Gonzalo Higuain.

The Partenopei currently lead Serie A by a point, with the champions hot on their heels and both sides on long winning runs.

“In my opinion Napoli will win it,” Ferrero said on Tiki Taka, before being asked which one player he’d love to sign.

“We already had [Mauro] Icardi, he’s a great lad. Higuain is a great player, I’d take him straight away.

“He feels the goal like few others, the goal is like a woman for him.

“Max Allegri? Allegri is a great communicator and a great Coach.”

Another player who has already been on the Blucerchiati books is Patrik Schick, and Ferrero also gave his thoughts on him.

“I gave Roma a real champion, a natural talent and a lad who is unnaturally humble.

“He hasn’t trained and has been thrown in right away, there’s so much pressure at Roma. Let’s give him time, he’ll have fun and he’ll be worth €100m.

“I always tell my lads: ‘play and have fun. If you have fun and don’t feel pressure you can do well. Fabio Quagliarella is one of those who has a lot of fun.”