Ferrero banned for Thohir comments

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero has received a three-month ban for racist comments aimed at Inter President Erick Thohir.

The patron had argued he knew full well that Thohir was Indonesian when making the ‘joke’ during Rai Sport television show Stadio Sprint.

“I told Moratti to tell that Filipino to forget it,” said Ferrero when discussing Massimo Moratti’s decision to sell Inter after decades at the helm.

Sampdoria President Massimo Ferrero has received a three-month ban for racist comments aimed at Inter President Erick Thohir.

The patron had argued he knew full well that Thohir was Indonesian when making the ‘joke’ during Rai Sport television show Stadio Sprint.

“I told Moratti to tell that Filipino to forget it,” said Ferrero when discussing Massimo Moratti’s decision to sell Inter after decades at the helm.

Today the Disciplinary Commission handed Ferrero a three-month ban with €10,000 fine for the comments, while Sampdoria were fined €35,000.

Ferrero only took over Sampdoria this season and has become a well-known figure due to his antics in the stands, which include wrapping the team scarf around his head, celebrating wildly and running on to the pitch to join his players after the final whistle.

Meanwhile, Udinese President Giampaolo Pozzo was deferred to the Disciplinary Commission for insulting referee Paolo Valeri on November 30, calling him “incompetent.”

Gianluigi Buffon and Juventus have been deferred for the contract extension signed on February 1 2013, as it was done with agent Silvano Martina while missing some paperwork.