Fellaini to Napoli tomorrow?

Sky Sport Italia report Marouane Fellaini could be in Italy tomorrow for Napoli if Manchester United pay half his wages.

The Belgium international is a known target for Rafa Benitez, but only if the 26-year-old arrives on loan with a portion of his salary paid by the parent club.

According to sources in England, Manchester United are prepared to accept those terms.

Sky Sport Italia report Marouane Fellaini could be in Italy tomorrow for Napoli if Manchester United pay half his wages.

The Belgium international is a known target for Rafa Benitez, but only if the 26-year-old arrives on loan with a portion of his salary paid by the parent club.

According to sources in England, Manchester United are prepared to accept those terms.

It would suit them, as a good season at Napoli and in the Champions League can get his value back up to somewhere near the £27.5m Manchester United paid last summer.

Now Sky Sport Italia are reporting that Fellaini could touch down in Italy as early as Monday to undergo a medical.

It is also suggested Napoli are using their current Belgian star Dries Mertens to convince Fellaini of the move.