Fassone reflects on ‘hot summer’

Marco Fassone feels Milan enjoyed “more ups than downs” during a “hot summer” and hopes the club can still sign Pietro Pellegri and Eddy Salcedo.

Milan splashed out €230m on 11 new faces in their first summer of Chinese ownership, although they ran out of time to bring in the two Genoa starlets on Thursday.

“It was a ‘hot’ summer in every aspect, it seemed to have begun yesterday and passed in a breath,” the CEO told Tuttomercatoweb.

Marco Fassone feels Milan enjoyed “more ups than downs” during a “hot summer” and hopes the club can still sign Pietro Pellegri and Eddy Salcedo.

Milan splashed out €230m on 11 new faces in their first summer of Chinese ownership, although they ran out of time to bring in the two Genoa starlets on Thursday.

“It was a ‘hot’ summer in every aspect, it seemed to have begun yesterday and passed in a breath,” the CEO told Tuttomercatoweb.

“We’re very happy with what we did, aware that we could only start spending on May 31, but it was a beautiful summer.

“Ups and downs? Ups, I don’t know. Every time a contract is signed, it gives me a good dose of adrenaline.

“Downs, luckily there weren’t so many of them. I must say the day Raiola told us that Donnarumma wouldn’t be renewing was a very bad day, we wanted him to stay with us.

“For a few minutes, we took a blow to the stomach, but ultimately there were more ups than downs.

“The President? From what I’ve seen, he’s very reserved and the language barrier doesn’t help, but I still see him very passionate about our project.

“He came to the dressing room after the match against Bayern Munich and, even more so, after our last game.

“He’s starting to live with the fans and players and feeling them more and more in his skin.

“What we’ll do next? Think about the pitch. We also have to start thinking in perspective for the situations that will end in January or June of next year.

“Squad building and scouting never end. We’re already thinking about deadlines and renewals.

“Any trips to China lined up? I think there will be one in October, but we haven’t thought about it yet.

“China remains an important pillar of growth for this Milan, so there will certainly be trips there.

“Pellegri and Salcedo? We had them in our sights for a long time, but I also had to deal with the purse strings.

“When it came to doing a deal with Genoa, I tried to feel as if something could be done, but they proved complex.

“Still, they’re strong, good guys and great prospects. It takes time, but we’ll think about them in the future.

“We have many great things in the pipeline and we hope to pull them off.

“Sosa to Trabzonspor? The transfer window is still open there, so something can certainly happen. We have until September 8.”