Milan CEO Marco Fassone says “there’s nothing new” on Gigio Donnarumma, and warns they can’t wait long.

The goalkeeper rejected a new contract with the Rossoneri last week, but there has since been optimism that they can change his mind.

The Diavolo’s youth side won the Under-16 title Scudetto earlier today, and the director was asked about the transfer market after the match.

“With the transfer market under way, there are some things you’ll still have to wait for,” Fassone told assembled reporters.

Milan CEO Marco Fassone says “there’s nothing new” on Gigio Donnarumma, and warns they can’t wait long.

The goalkeeper rejected a new contract with the Rossoneri last week, but there has since been optimism that they can change his mind.

The Diavolo’s youth side won the Under-16 title Scudetto earlier today, and the director was asked about the transfer market after the match.

“With the transfer market under way, there are some things you’ll still have to wait for,” Fassone told assembled reporters.

“We wanted to make a large part of the squad available to [Coach Vincenzo] Montella right away.

“It seems late, but the transfer market hasn’t officially opened yet, there’s still time to insert what’s missing.

“As for Donnarumma, there’s nothing new. We’re still here waiting, but not for too long, for a number of things.

“We’re working to get to July 3 [pre-season training] with more certainty.”


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