Fassone: ‘Milan won’t buy in January’

Milan CEO Marco Fassone welcomes Gennaro Gattuso, and says the club “don’t have the intention to go into the transfer market in January”.

Vincenzo Montella was sacked as Coach yesterday, with Gattuso stepping up from the Primavera squad to replace him, and the director addressed the media at the beginning of today’s Press conference.

“I want to make three reflections to kick proceedings off,” Fassone told the assembled journalists.

Milan CEO Marco Fassone welcomes Gennaro Gattuso, and says the club “don’t have the intention to go into the transfer market in January”.

Vincenzo Montella was sacked as Coach yesterday, with Gattuso stepping up from the Primavera squad to replace him, and the director addressed the media at the beginning of today’s Press conference.

“I want to make three reflections to kick proceedings off,” Fassone told the assembled journalists.

“The first is about Montella. I’ve hard talk of a bolt from the blue, but the sky wasn’t so clear. The season hasn’t gone well so far.

“With a lot of regret, I spent a very complicated night on Sunday, waiting for my chat with Han Li.

“It was a painful decision due to the rapport we’d created with Montella, for a project which hasn’t gone forward as we’d hoped it would this summer, but I can’t go without saying ‘thank you’ to Montella for what he did, for the trophy [the Supercoppa], for the Europa League.

“If mistakes were made, we all made them. We missed an important opportunity, now we turn the page to a new chapter.

“The second reflection is on [sporting director Massimiliano] Mirabelli. He has my confidence, he was my first choice and he has the total confidence of myself and the ownership.

“He has very high technical responsibilities. We don’t have the intention to go into the transfer market in January, we’re convinced that this squad can achieve important results.

“Massimiliano and I know what didn’t work, we’ve intervened and we are intervening.

“The third and last thing is that the President [Yonghong Li] has asked me to give Rino a hug for him.

“Choosing Rino wasn’t to plug a hole, but because he’s the right choice at this time. Given Rino’s history, he knows the environment and the dressing room.

“In recent months he’s shown what it means to be a Milan Coach, Mirabelli reports on the Primavera to me every day.

“It’s a choice we wanted to make, not pulling an emergency parachute. I was really impressed with the approach he had, on one hand the enthusiasm and the passion with which he accepted such an important responsibility.

“On the other, with which he stood with myself and Mirabelli, without asking for anything. We really wanted him, we’ll do our sums at the end of the season.

“There are 24 games to go with 74 points available, we’ll see what we get and then we’ll assess things.”