Fanna: Verona can’t dream big

Former Verona player Piero Fanna has lamented the Scaligeri’s inevitable sale of prized asset Juan Iturbe.

Former Verona player Piero Fanna has lamented the Scaligeri’s inevitable sale of prized asset Juan Iturbe.

The Argentine was on loan at the Veneto side during the second half of last season before completing a permanent switch to the Bentegodi this summer.

However, it seems a formality that either Juventus” data-scaytid=”7″>Juventus or Milan will sign the youngster for a fee around the €25m mark.

“I think that football today is like this,” Fanna told “It’s faster and faster in terms of the transfer market and everything else.

“The club isn’t able to keep such an asset in the squad. If good offers come in it’s better to give him to the highest bidder, even though it would have been good to have him in Verona for a few more years.

“This is only the latest demonstration of how the provincial teams struggle much more nowadays to dream big.”