Falque: ‘Not about beating Samp’

Genoa midfielder Iago Falque says the possibility of leapfrogging Sampdoria” data-scaytid=”3″>Sampdoria is not a motivation for his side in tonight’s match with Palermo.

Genoa midfielder Iago Falque says the possibility of leapfrogging Sampdoria is not a motivation for his side in tonight’s match with Palermo.

The Grifone can go fourth in Serie A with a win over the Rosanero and overtake city rivals Samp in the process.

However, Spanish midfielder Falque, formerly on the books of Juventus” data-scaytid=”10″>Juventus, says that is not a consideration for Gian Piero Gasperini’s men.

“This will be a very hard game,” Falque said to Sky ahead of the match.

“The incentive is moving near the top of the table, not the possibility of going above Sampdoria.

“The team is doing well, and I’m very happy here. I needed stability and I found it here.”