Falcao: Hernanes is like me

Roma legend Paulo Roberto Falcao has labelled Lazio’s” data-scaytid=”4″>Lazio’s Hernanes as his heir in the modern game.

Roma legend Paulo Roberto Falcao has labelled Lazio’s Hernanes as his heir in the modern game.

Falcao was an idol in the Italian capital during the 1980s and won the Scudetto with the Giallorossi during his five years in Rome.

“Hernanes is the only player who can really be compared to myself,” the 58-year-old told the Gazzetta dello Sport.

“He has a similar profile to mine.”

Falcao, a former Brazilian international, is currently the Coach of Bahia and ended his playing days with Sao Paulo.

The latter are the same club that Lazio signed Hernanes from in the summer of 2010 for around €11m.