Patrice Evra thanked Juventus” data-scaytid=”2″>Juventus for his “incredible” Serie A debut and outlined the differences with the Premier League.

Patrice Evra thanked Juventus for his “incredible” Serie A debut and outlined the differences with the Premier League.

The former Manchester United man played in tonight’s 2-0 victory over Udinese at the Juventus Stadium in Turin.

“It is incredible,” he told Sky Sport Italia. “Pogba told me about the stadium, I’d never played here and the fans were amazing.

“I have to thank everyone, from the fans to players and staff, and will try to repay them with my performances.”

Evra revealed he is finding it a big shift from the Premier League to Serie A.

“I have never worked so hard in training in all my life! The difference is the game is less intense, but more tactical, so you have to stay concentrated at all times and cannot be distracted for a moment.”

With two Serie A victories under their belts, Juve now go into the Champions League against Malmo.

“In the Champions League the objective is to do better than last season. Juve have good players and we’ll try to achieve something great.”

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