Torino were denied a clear penalty kick against Inter last night and Italian sports papers hugely criticised referee Marco Guida, who was even rated 0/10 by Tuttosport.

The Granata were 1-0 up when Andrea Ranoccchia threw in a clumsy foot to try and dispossess Belotti in the penalty area and he seemed to strike the Torino captain’s foot before touching the ball. Ivan Juric’s side were already 1-0 up (VIDEO).

Guida didn’t award a penalty for Inter and didn’t even have an on-field review after a quick chat with VAR referee Davide Massa.

Torino director Davide Vagnati and coach Ivan Juric were fuming after the match.

“It was a clear penalty and nobody understands why it wasn’t awarded. I am sure they will try to explain it, but they can’t,” said Juric.

“It completely ruined the game, as we would’ve been 2-0 up.”

Juric: ‘Torino light years away, but penalty call inexplicable’

Italian sports papers analyse the incident and all say the same thing about it: it was a clear penalty kick for the Granata.

La Gazzetta dello Sport called Guida’s missed penalty call an ‘enormous mistake’, adding that Guida and the VAR referee will inevitably be suspended. The match official was rated 4/10.

Il Corriere dello Sport and Tuttosport are even harsher on the referee. ‘What Guida and Massa did is hard to explain,’ wrote Il Corriere. ‘There are no excuses for not seeing it on the pitch and with VAR.’ Guida was rated zero by Tuttosport and one of the headlines on the front page says everything about how Torino fans feel: ‘Scandal in Turin.’

Today’s Papers – Scandal in Turin, Osimhen sends Napoli second

26 thought on “‘Enormous error, disaster’ what the media say about missed penalty call for Torino”
  1. I cant explain how its possible, and I clearly feel this will be decisive decision when we will see final league table. Its so sad that in such football nation we have such coruption, its terrible, unbielivieble

  2. @juvenesia it’s inter and not Milan cos Milan on the other hand were practically a victim of poor ref this season so mind your speech

  3. I’ve been watching football for more than two decades and I’ve never seen such a thing. This was no mistake. Period. It’s just impossible in the era of VAR.

    The more I think about it the more I’m sure about it.

  4. Milan lost 2 points and Inter gained 1 because of Guida. so if Inter ended up win the league by margin less than 3 points, you all know who is the star

  5. I completely hate when people bring up other accidents and incidents as an excuse for what happen yesterday. This was a crystal clear penalty and would have had HUGE impact on the league. We all so it on VAR and so did the refs. One cannot wonder why on earth is was not given.

  6. @Juvenesia Can you tell us which game Juve should’ve been awarded by penalty and they didn’t?

  7. @Supermarket I think we can point out at least 3 very soft handball penalties given against Juve this season and about 5 last season.
    But that aside, it’s hard to argue against the ref being incompetent in favour of Inter last night. If it had been the other way around, Moratti would be firing his mouth off about a falsified championship.

  8. Both the referee and the VAR team should be disqualified for 10 matches. This idiocy has to stop – it is tainting the scudetto race this year. What happened to Milan when they lost 2 points a few weeks ago was disgraceful, and now this ‘error’, once again in favor of Inter.

  9. Now I understand how Juve have been feeling for years. This is very refreshing Lol. But in any scenario that’s a penalty but unlike certain team this one was not critical at all. All of the top teams will drop points from now until the end of the season and now Inter are out of the CL I think everything is on track. For others however it’s a different story that’s why this penalty incident is being treated like the end of the world.

  10. Marco Guida, the referee who was also in charge of VAR during MilanUdinese match. You knew what happened at that time. This guy should be suspended for the remaining season.

  11. Soloi ref, u forgot thr läßt year where refees gifzes u also Penalities. The only reason is u are to bad and juve acjieved these things in 9 consecitive years without referees. Inter joke of a club

  12. Solointer, the other way u would Cry and now its refreshing. Lol, juve achieved these without referees in 9 year while ur joke Club cant do anything without referees. The Fans are as pathetic as the Club, i hope the chinese gouverment turn ur Club a
    Off as England did with chelsea

  13. As with most scandals, “follow the money”.
    Such an obvious man made error one is prone to ask;
    -“Who made a lot of money on this call?

  14. @Louch that’s for handing it to us this season. As for choking, please return when you’ve managed to win a few champions league trophies. You see, that’ll never happen. Auch!

  15. @Milanwizz this is coming from a guy who support a team that finish last in there CL group. When was the last time your team was relevant? Nobody even care about Milan right now. At least Juve played in 2 CL in the decade and has been the only relevant team in Europe for Serie A. Don’t forget who are the Kings of Italy 38 scudetto.

  16. Det var helt klart på reprisene at det var 100 % brudd, bare dommeren så ikke eller ville ikke se.
    Bare partisk dømming fra hele dommerteamet til fordel for Inter.

  17. Do Juve actually think they’ll win the league. For that to happen all of the clubs currently challenging for it need to have a total meltdown which is unlikely. I still believe Inter with only the league to focus they will win it at the end.

  18. It is funny how inter fans like to say juve buys referees when it is clear as day, who is the ones buying the referees. this was such a shocking decisions. that was as clear of a pk as there is. i think both the referee and the VAR crew should be banned for the rest of the season. these type of officials are not needed in serie a.

  19. @solointer we won a whole decade of scudetto on the trot. with Juve it’s all possible I expect all 3 teams ahead of us to drop more points against desperate teams. And even if we don’t win it this season we’re taking it back next season. The fact that Juve is even in contention with an outside shot to win it tells me all those teams above us are a joke. The way Juve started the season was atrocious and disgusting. In the summer transfer expect Juve to strength the team even more. Allegri is rebuilding a powerhouse.

  20. @Finoallefine all the juvefans have nothing to worry about then… really weird I see all these juvefans barking about the mighty Milan who has defended Italian glory in Europe since the very dawn… very strange to bark about this “irrelevant” team if there is nothing to it. We all know juve won’t achieve European glory like Milan, they probably won’t even beat Villarreal. Nobody expected Milan to be back in Europe at a top level this season. But even if Juve maintained a top European level they managed to choke every time. I say juve is the team to beat domestically as Milan has this season, because juve is to no use in Europe as they are the eternal chokers… we’ve got 7 points and the head to head record, I hope Milan wins the scudetto this year! Forza Milan! #we the proud

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