Engage with the OWNIC community on Twitter and Discord

OWNIC are bridging the gap between digital collectibles and gaming with their innovative dNFT technology, and a growing community has formed around the platform.

Not only is OWNIC’s Discord server active and growing, but the group’s social media is busy too and both locations offer opportunities to learn more about the project and what the future holds.

On Discord, there are separate channels for announcements about new players brought into the set-up – joining Juventus and Italy captain Leonardo Bonucci, among others – and chat about football, basketball and MMA. That’s as well as the dedicated channels for games – with prizes on offer – and the general chat channel that frequently has discussions about OWNIC and dNFTs in general between the collectors.

Read more about OWNIC | Sign-up to the OWNIC Discord server | What games are there?

Being an active part of the OWNIC Discord can lead to whitelisted status – that is, a chance to get the latest dNFT drops before anyone else. Whitelisted status can also come from winning the trivia games that are held on Discord. Not familiar with Discord? Read more about it here.

Discord isn’t the only place to interact with the OWNIC community – follow OWNIC on Twitter here to keep up-to-date with the latest developments. Like and retweet tweets from the official OWNIC account and provide screenshots on Discord to complete the social media challenges.

There are also different tiers of giveaways, and the higher the tier, the more frequent the giveaway and the greater the prize. Every member is part of the first tier, but access to the second and third tiers depends on your level.

Sign-up to the OWNIC Discord server for free here.